
Mr. Fleming then presented a proposal for re-zoning the eastern portion of the subdivision to include multi-family units for that area and asked for the support of the group. General agreement was reached that there be maintained a ratio of 3 single-family units to each multi-family dwelling unit. The present plot plan showed total estimated lots to be 149, and 22 lots for multi-family structures. All of these units would be located on a proposed street running parallel to Route 1 – 12 lots on the east side and 10 on the west side. After discussion it was agreed that the 2 lots facing Lake Shore Dr. (adjacent to lots 28 & 29) should remain as single-family units – leaving a total of 129 lots for single-family dwellings. Mr. Fleming then presented a preliminary plan calling for the 8 lots on the west side of the proposed street (now Shorewood Dr. North) to be used for duplexes and the 12 on the east side for multi-family units.

During April and May of 1970, signatures were obtained from 47 of the 50 residents of Lake Shores indicating a desire to formally organize. The proposed Articles of Incorporation were approved by the State of Illinois, and a Certificate of Incorporation was issued on June 30, 1970. On July 2, 1970, this document and the “Declaration of Additional Covenants and Restrictions” were recorded at the Vermilion County offices. The formal organizational meeting was held August 13, 1970, with a total of 43 residents in attendance. The by-laws were approved and the first Board of Directors was elected. All expenses of organizing were paid by the Developer, except for time donated by the committee and interested residents.

During the next few months, several attempts were made to meet with representatives of the Interstate Water Co. in order to obtain either an easement covering the lake front property at the extreme west end of Lake Shore Dr., or a lease on the property generally described as the “Sportsmen’s Club” property. This would have included land immediately west of the subdivision down to the lake front and including the old boat launching area. Since no formal reply was ever received from Interstate, the Board finally abandoned the idea of a lease arrangement and began to formalize a program for the development of out lot C that Mr. Fleming had donated to the Association.

At the next regular annual meeting held December 3, 1970, a recommendation from the Board of Directors that they investigate the possible financing and construction of a swimming pool was presented and discussed. While a bare majority was in favor of pursuing the idea, the Board followed up on it and presented a specific proposal at a special meeting held May 19, 1971. They also offered an alternative plan calling for the installation of an all-purpose court, playground equipment and additional picnic facilities, as well as a dock or marina facility. This was easily the most lively of all the Association’s meetings and although both proposals were defeated, the Board was instructed to proceed with the boat docks, playground equipment, walkway down to the beach area and picnic facilities – keeping in mind that the natural beauty of the property should be maintained wherever possible. These improvements would be made using the original $10,000 contributed by the Developer and funds available from the annual dues, but no capital assessments were to be considered. It is expected that most these projects will be completed by the summer of 1972.